Recovering from a cold

Mommy, can you stop my runny nose?
Mommy, we need a CD player
Mommy, why am I wearing so many colours today?

Your Grandma in Japan sent you these a few months ago but you were too small for these. You might be big enough now, so pretend that it’s summer, ok?

OK. I'm going back to chewing now.

Daycare Visit

Erika and I visited her future daycare today. She sat down in one spot and just watched other kids play for a while, but once she felt comfortable she started to play with toys by herself. There was a very friendly cat there and she let Erika touch her. Erika loved it, as Chi doesn’t let her do that 9 out of 10 times when she tries. I’m relieved that she did ok overall. We will try to let her stay without me for a couple hours at a time in February before she goes there full time in March.

New outfit #4 from Japan