Last day of the music & play class

Today was the last day of the music & play class. Erika decided to walk to the instructor when she was getting ready for the next activity so she picked Erika up and took her around. Erika was perfectly fine with the instructor. I think she finally opened up to the instructor. Too bad. It was the last class, Erika!

*I didn’t ask for their permission to be on the website so I’ve covered their faces.

What are we doing next?

December 8, 2011 Erika eating a baby rice rusk

Erika, at 9 month, still doesn’t like swallowing food if the texture is not completely smooth. For example, she doesn’t eat a mashed banana but does eat a banana that’s pureed by a food processor. She’s got 5 teeth so far so she should be able to chew, so I thought I’d try out a baby rice rusk that I bought at Superstore the other day. I’ve tried baby cereal bisucuits but it gets soggy quickly and she seems to lose interest quickly so it’s not ideal for her to practice picking with her thumb and index finger either. She seems to like the idea of biting but still needs to practice the chewing part. She picks up the rusk better than the biscuit. I hope this will let her get used to different textures.


Trip to Shellmouth

I’d applied for Erika’s Japanese passport through Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary, and luckily they were coming to Regina, SK for their one-day extended services on Nov 30. So I’d made an appointment a month ago and we were all ready to go.

Where are we going, Mommy?

As her Great-Grandma Schappert very suddenly passed away on Nov 29, we decided that all three of us would go to Regina to get her passport, then Daddy would go home for one more day to work before her funeral on Friday but Erika and I would keep going East to Shellmouth where Grandpa Rob was all by himself. Grandma Judy met with us in Regina and she took us to Shellmouth.

I'm all settled now.

Great-Grandma Davidson was very happy to see Erika. It was a well over-due visit.

Happy to see you, Great-Grandma D!

On the 3rd day of having broccoli for the first time, Erika started having a really bad diaper rash and some of the spots were raw. Overall she did really good. She only cried when she peed and pooped as they must have stung the sore area. We switched from Aveeno diaper rash cream to Penaten and it finally started working on the 3rd day. I also noticed that her 5th tooth had cut through, so the diaper rash could have been caused by either the broccoli, teething, or a combination of the two.

Taking an advice from Great-Auntie Kathy, Erika has started having a naked time every night. So far, she hasn’t missed to pee on the floor!

What up

On the way home, she slept from Shellmouth to Lanigun, then cried all the way to Martensville, but overall she did really good.

I have to mention that she did incredibly well at Great-Grandma Schappert’s funeral. I thought I might have to leave the service if she started acting up, but she really was a good girl during the service and even at the lunch. Everybody was happy to see her. One lady even told Courtney that we had a really good blue print so we should make more copies.

I only had one grandparent that I had memories of spending time together, and I couldn’t go to her funeral when she passed a few years ago as I was in Canada and her passing was sudden too. So although it’s very sad, I was glad that I could say good-bye to Grandma Schappert at the funeral. I still remember the first time I met her. She told me that I was cute and said to Courtney that he had a very cute Jap girlfriend 🙂 Then she told us of her childhood story of playing with a nigger-doll, back when I didn’t know what that meant.

I’m happy and honoured that I could get to know her in the past 9 years. Rest in Peace, Grandma.

Rest in Peace, Great-Grandma Schappert. We miss you.